September 25, 2024 8:49 pm

If you’ve been looking for a non-surgical, medically proven fat reduction method, you’ve probably heard about laser lipolysis or “laser lipo.” But what is laser fat removal, and how does it work? Emerald Laser by Erchonia is a painless, effective, and non-surgical fat reduction technique that has changed the lives of thousands of patients. If you’re an adult with a BMI under 40, Emerald Laser can target your fat cells and show you significant results after just a few treatments. There is a reason that more and more weight loss clinics are offering Emerald Laser to their patients. Read on to find out how this revolutionary technology can work for you.

How the Body Stores Fat

When you consume more calories than you burn, many of the excess calories are converted to fat. Fats or lipids are stored in lipocytes below the skin. Your age, gender, and genetics are significant factors in determining where additional fat accumulates. If you’re an older male, for instance, you may accumulate fat in the lower belly. With adult women, fat often settles in the hips and thighs. The longer you retain these fats, the more stubborn they can be to get rid of, even with exercise and proper diet. Emerald Laser targets the fats beneath the skin allowing your body to remove them through natural processes.

How Does Emerald Laser Work?

Emerald is considered a cool laser in that other types of lasers burn much harder. When an Emerald Laser technician treats you, they will target the desired area with ten 532-nanometer green laser beams. These beams penetrate the skin, target the fat cells, and burn tiny holes through the cell membrane. Additionally, the lasers gently heat the fats inside until they are emulsified. The resulting oils then seep through the tiny pores that the laser has created, where they are disposed of by the body’s lymphatic system.

Unlike other FDA-approved fat reduction lasers, Emerald Laser does not kill the fat cells it targets. This is by design. Destroying fat cells can have undesirable and even dangerous results. If you destroy fat cells in a specific area and you gain weight after the treatment, the excess fats begin to accumulate in other cells. This could lead to strange proportions or the potentially perilous accumulation of fats around vital organs. This is also a danger with other fat reduction treatments like cryolipolysis (fat freezing) or suction-assisted lipectomy (liposuction).

Benefits of Choosing Emerald Laser

The reason that Emerald Laser is becoming one of the fastest-growing fat reduction methods is because of its numerous benefits. Let’s explore these:

Proven Effectiveness

In addition to years of anecdotal evidence from patients who have demonstrated significant fat reduction after treatment, Emerald Laser treatments were proven effective in three double-blind studies. To quote one of the studies:

“Subjects with BMI between 30 and 40 kg/m2 were treated with LLLT or sham treatment twice weekly for 3 weeks. Among subjects treated with the LLLT device, 71.43% attained a ‡3.0 inch decrease in combined circumference measurements versus 12% of sham-treated subjects. The overall mean decrease in combined circumference measurement for subjects treated with the LLLT device was 10.52 cm versus 1.80 cm for sham-treated subjects. There were no adverse events. Decreasing the amount of fat stored in adipocytes may have substantial health benefits in obese individuals.”

In layman’s terms, almost three-quarters of the test subjects attained a waistline reduction. It should be noted that Emerald Laser is the only laser lipolysis machine approved for patients with a BMI greater than 30.


Emerald Laser treatments usually take less than 30 minutes. Because many of our providers have extended hours, you can squeeze a treatment in before work, during lunch, after work, or even on a Saturday afternoon while you’re running your errands.

Non-Surgical | No Down Time

Emerald is an effective, non-invasive procedure. While the lasers do penetrate your skin down to the fat cells, there are no incisions and there’s no need for anesthesia or anesthetic. You can resume full activities as soon as the treatment is finished.


Most patients report that they feel nothing. The ones who do report a minor tingling sensation. Contrast this with fat freezing (cryolipolysis), which can be quite uncomfortable, or surgical procedures that require stitches and a long recovery process.


Emerald Laser providers usually sell packages of six treatment sessions with financing options available. It’s typically comparable in price to other, less effective fat reduction options and much more affordable than surgery.


Erchonia, the parent company of Emerald Laser, are pioneers in the laser lipolysis industry. Their original laser was the first fat-reduction laser to receive FDA market approval and Emerald Laser is the only machine that’s approved for patients with a BMI over 30.

A Comparison of Emerald Laser to Other Fat Reduction Treatments

Many people talk about “losing weight,” but what they really mean is that they want less body fat. While there are many ways to lose weight, some treatments also adversely affect muscle mass. Because Emerald Laser targets fat cells, it doesn’t affect muscle mass. It’s important to note that Emerald Laser cannot make guarantees that you’ll keep the fat off. However, if you maintain a healthy lifestyle with a calorie-neutral diet and engage in routine exercise, you should maintain your results. Here’s how Emerald Laser compares against other fat reduction treatments:

  • Fat Freezing (Cryoliposis) – Both systems target fat cells. However, fat freezing kills fat cells, while Emerald does not. Destroying fat cells can lead to paradoxical adipose hyperplasia, which can increase the number of fat cells in other areas of the body. In addition, many patients complain of bruising and discomfort after fat-freezing sessions. This doesn’t occur with laser lipolysis.
  • Red Light Therapy – This allegedly works by breaking down the cellular membrane of the lipocytes with red, blue, and infrared lights. However, there is little evidence that it works. Compare this to Emerald Laser, which has repeatedly been proven in multiple double-blind studies.
  • Liposuction – This is a common surgical procedure to remove fat. The patient is anesthetized while the surgeon creates an incision, vacuums out the fat, and closes the patient. Recovery time takes about a month, and the cost of liposuction is significantly higher than Emerald Laser.

Benefits of Choosing Emerald Over Traditional Surgical Procedures

Many people who have struggled with their weight or fat retention have contemplated surgery, and there are many excellent surgeons who offer gastric bands, bariatric surgery, bypasses, and, of course, liposuction. Here are some reasons that you might want to reconsider surgery, though:

  • Most surgical procedures are several times more expensive than non-invasive processes.
  • All surgery entails some level of risk, even if it’s considered routine. Emerald Laser has no known side effects or dangers.
  • Full surgical recovery can take weeks. It may take days before you can resume even normal tasks.
  • If you work, surgery will require time off. Emerald Laser can be performed in your off time.
  • Surgical scars may take months to fade if they go away completely.

With Emerald Laser, you’ll schedule about six appointments two weeks apart. You will begin to notice a difference after your first or second treatment, achieving full results in about three months. Emerald Laser is painless, and there are no side effects or downtime. Additionally, Emerald can target nearly any body part. Most surgical procedures are geared toward general weight loss.

Call an Emerald Laser provider near you to schedule your first consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions About Emerald Laser Lipolysis

Our providers frequently contribute to this list of frequently asked questions. If you don’t see the information you’re looking for, contact an Emerald Laser provider near you.

Will Emerald Laser Help Me Lose Weight?

Weight loss is a by-product of fat reduction. When you expel fat from your body through the lymphatic system, with all other things being equal, you’ll lose weight. Be cautious about treatments that promote weight loss instead of fat reduction. In many cases, these solutions can cause you to lose muscle mass.

How Often Can I Go For Treatments?

Your Emerald Laser provider will outline a treatment plan for you. In most cases, they schedule treatments two weeks apart to allow time for the process to work optimally. There is no identifiable benefit to rushing your treatments and it may just result in you requiring more sessions.

Once I Lose the Fat, How Do I Keep It Off?

We recommend a nutritious, calorie-neutral diet and establishing a regular exercise routine. Naturally, you should consult your doctor before any changes in your health habits.

What Body Parts Does Emerald Laser Work On?

Because Emerald Laser is a system that targets fat cells with lasers, it can be used on virtually any part of the body. Emerald Laser can remove arm fat, thigh fat, stomach fat, fat around the glutes, hip fat, shoulder fat, and much more.

Find an Emerald Laser Provider Near You

New Emerald Laser providers are opening locations all over the world. Click here to find a provider near you. Call today to start your fat loss treatments.