September 20, 2024 5:58 pm

If you’ve been considering getting laser lipo but aren’t sure which system works the best, you should take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with Emerald Laser by Erchonia. What is Emerald Laser? It’s a non-invasive, painless, clinically tested way to shed fat from your body. It can target nearly any place on the body where fat accumulates: stomach, thighs, waist, back, and more.

If you represent a clinic, weight loss center, or spa and you are not currently offering laser lipolysis because you are under the impression that it’s too costly or involves extensive training, you should read on. Our Emerald Laser providers are often astonished at how rapidly they realize a return on investment (ROI).

Emerald Laser Body Sculpting Machine

Erchonia, the maker of the Emerald Laser machine, is a pioneer in the fat reduction industry. Erchonia was the first company to receive FDA market approval for a weight-loss laser. However, the developers knew that they could improve on their earlier model and developed the Emerald Laser. To date, Erchonia has received more than 22 FDA market clearances.

Why Patients Prefer Emerald Laser

Emerald Laser is convenient and painless. Patients can immediately resume normal or even strenuous activities immediately after treatments. Most patients experience no side effects at all. The side effects that some patients experience are limited to minor redness in the treatment area. Within a week, patients are often able to recognize some fat loss. After a full course of treatments over 12 weeks, patients achieve full results. Additionally, Emerald Laser is to the only laser body contouring machine to receive FDA approval for patients with a BMI over 30. For heavier patients seeking laser lipolysis, Emerald is their only viable option.

Why Providers Choose to Offer Emerald Laser

Emerald Laser is painless and has virtually no side effects. This can be an excellent selling point when discussing treatment options with patients. Additionally, it’s a proven system, with multiple double-blind studies showing significant fat reduction.

Unlike fat freezing (cryolipolysis) and other laser lipolysis machines on the market, Emerald laser body sculpting uses a cool laser that does not kill lipocytes. If the patient should regain weight, fat cells will be less likely to concentrate in other areas — sometimes around vital organs.

Practices generally sell packages of six treatments from $1,800 to $2,500, which means that a new laser fat removal machine becomes profitable after the first 15 to 20 patients. Emerald Laser offers financing for their machines. The learning curve for laser treatments using our cutting-edge technology is surprisingly shallow, which means that you can have your Emerald Laser machine in operation within weeks of delivery.

If you have questions about what Emerald Laser can do for your practice, contact us today.

Key Features and Benefits of Emerald Laser

Whether you’re a patient or a provider, there are numerous advantages to opting for Emerald Laser.


  • Emerald Laser is an effective way to reduce fat that doesn’t involve surgery or downtime.
  • It’s a completely painless process.
  • Treatments usually last less than 30 minutes.
  • Many of our providers offer flexible hours, so you can schedule an appointment before or after work, on your lunch break, or even on a Saturday afternoon.
  • There is no downtime after treatment. You can go right back to normal activities after a treatment.
  • It’s a fraction of the cost of surgical weight reduction procedures.
  • Members see full results in about 12 weeks.


  • Emerald Laser has clinically proven results that you can use to market to your patients.
  • Emerald Laser is safe during execution and avoids destroying fat cells.
  • The training and certification are streamlined, so you can integrate Emerald Laser into your practice in a relatively short amount of time.
  • Unlike other laser lipolysis machines, you can treat patients with a BMI greater than 30 and less than 40.
  • We have years of studies and anecdotal evidence regarding the safety and effectiveness of Emerald Laser.

How Emerald Laser Works to Remove Fat

While Emerald is an advanced laser technology, the concept behind cold laser lipolysis is relatively easy to understand. The laser technician will identify the target area on the body. The Emerald Laser machine focuses ten 532-nanometer lasers on the surface of the skin above the fat. The lasers penetrate down to the fat cells and bore tiny holes in the membranes.

While this is happening, the lasers warm the lipids within the cells. These hardened fats liquefy and seep through the pores that the laser created. Once they are free from the fat cells, the body’s lymphatic system safely disposes of the fats. This process can be repeated about every two weeks until maximum results are achieved.

How Emerald Laser Works to Sculpt the Body

When most people say they want to lose weight, what they really mean is that they would like to be thinner, more defined, or have lower body fat. Weight loss is just an easier metric to follow. Emerald Laser uses targeted fat removal to ensure that patients achieve the actual results they’re looking for.

The first step is to schedule a consultation with an Emerald Laser provider. Discuss your goals with the clinician (i.e., fat reduction, skin tightening, cellulite reduction, precision sculpting, etc.) and ask if you’re a good candidate for laser lipo. If you are, they can begin treatments immediately.

Comparison with Other Body Sculpting Machines

There are many differences between Emerald and most of the non-invasive fat reduction machines on the market. One of the most important ones is the fact that Emerald is a cool laser, which means that the patient remains comfortable during the treatment. Additionally, most laser machines kill lipocytes or fat cells. While that may sound like an advantage, the truth of the matter is that killing lipocytes can lead to a dangerous concentration of new fat cells around vital organs if the patient starts gaining weight after treatments. Cryolipolisis, or “fat freezing,” also kills fat cells and can lead to an accumulation of visceral fat.

Comparison with Other Weight Loss Treatments and Procedures

While there are many fat reduction procedures, few make favorable comparisons to Emerald Laser. Let’s take a brief look at some of the most popular fat-reduction treatments today.


This is a surgical procedure that involves anesthetizing the patient, making incisions in the treatment area, and vacuuming fat from the patient. While this does quickly eliminate fat, it is a surgical procedure that costs several times more than laser lipolysis. Recovery can take up to a month, during which time the patient may experience substantial discomfort.

Gastric Bypass

This is a type of bariatric weight loss surgery that works by reducing the size of the patient’s stomach. This forces the patient to eat less, resulting in weight loss. Like liposuction, this is an invasive procedure involving anesthesia and a lengthy recovery period. The rapid weight loss resulting from this type of surgery may necessitate further procedures to address loose, wrinkly skin.


This is a non-invasive treatment that involves killing fat cells with extreme cold. The treatments can be uncomfortable, and the patient may experience bruising for a few days. While downtime isn’t significant, most centers recommend that patients forgo strenuous exercise for a few hours after treatments.

Prescription Weight Loss Medicines

Many prescription weight loss medications work by suppressing the patient’s appetite. While this will often lead to weight loss, many prescription medicines have side effects that make them less than desirable options. Many patients find that once they’re off the medication, their appetites return.

Emerald Laser does not require anesthesia or even local anesthetic. It’s also non-invasive, and there’s no recovery time. While no weight loss method guarantees permanent results, if you maintain a calorie-neutral diet and an overall healthy lifestyle, the fat is much less likely to return.

Pricing and Availability of Emerald Laser

If you’d like to begin offering Emerald Laser customized treatment plans to your patients, contact Erchonia for pricing and availability. We can discuss financing options and the best way to incorporate Emerald Laser into your practice. Patients, contact an Emerald Laser provider near you and schedule an appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions About Emerald Laser

These are some of the most common questions we hear about our non-invasive, fat-reduction lasers. Call us with your specific questions.

What Areas Can Emerald Laser Treat?

Emerald Laser can target fat in the stomach, back, waist (including love handles), buttocks, thighs, calves, arms, shoulders, neck, and more. If you have fatty deposits on your body, our laser can help you achieve high-definition results.

Can I Do All of My Treatments Over a Week or Two?

For maximum effectiveness, we recommend scheduling treatments about two weeks apart. That allows enough time for the emulsified fats to drain from the cells. If the treatments are too close together, they won’t be as effective.

Contact Us for Inquiries and Appointments

Erchonia is the world leader in fat reduction lasers, and Emerald Laser is our premier product.  Call today to learn more about Emerald’s cool sculpting laser today!