Published: November 27, 2023
Read Time: 6 Minutes
You’ve probably heard of liposuction, and you may have even heard of laser lipo. However, you’re likely wondering how laser lipo works and where the fat goes after the procedure. Surely, the lasers don’t cut out the fat like in surgical liposuction. They do not, and we will be going over exactly what the process of laser lipo entails, how it works, and where the fat goes after laser lipo in this blog.
Published: November 20, 2023
Last Updated: December 12th, 2023
Read Time: 8 Minutes
For millions of Americans, Thanksgiving represents a time of indulgence — often, overindulgence. If you’ve worked hard to keep the fat off and don’t want to give ground for the holidays, then this article can provide useful advice — not just for Thanksgiving, but for the rest of the holidays.
Published: November 20, 2023
Last Updated: November 27th, 2023
Read Time: 6 Minutes
There are a number of considerations to think about before making a final decision as to whether laser fat removal is right for you. You should consider the impact of laser lipolysis (the technical term for laser fat removal), whether you’ve tried any alternatives and to what extent you have, as well as the cost and other practical realities of laser lipolysis.
Published: November 16, 2023
Read Time: 7 Minutes
There are a lot of myths surrounding the innovative procedure known as laser liposuction. This procedure is rife with a lot of misconceptions concerning its effectiveness, risks, advantages, and more.
Published: November 14, 2023
Read Time: 8 Minutes
All physical progress is tangible, no matter your figure, and the mental benefits that come with a healthier lifestyle are life-changing. Seeing your own process come to fruition is evident through this symbolic act of removing clothes, but no greater personal confidence boost exists than hitting your targeted goals.