You may have heard of body sculpting before and wondered what it is. Body sculpting is a cosmetic procedure designed to improve the body’s appearance by modifying the appearance of body fat deposits. Body sculpting comes in many different forms, with various costs and benefits attached to the different types of body sculpting. Here we will go over what a body sculpting machine is as well as some other details about the process of body sculpting.
What Do Body Sculpting Machines Do?Body sculpting machines, as a whole, do what the name implies. They sculpt the body by acting on fat deposits in the body and reducing them in order to create a better-looking body. Some do this by way of cold, some by way of radiofrequency, and yet others by injection or by laser. The ultimate goal of these disparate systems, however, is the same. The aim is to reduce adipose tissue, also called body fat, in order to improve the aesthetic appeal of the body. In this way, these methods are able to “sculpt” the body by removing fat deposits from the treated area. This process can be performed with everything from radiofrequency waves to lasers via the body sculpting machine. Are Body Sculpting Machines Safe?There are various different types of body sculpting, so it is impossible to say whether they are safe universally. Having said that, all of them can be safely performed, although they each carry their own side effects and risks of treatment. How Much Does Body Sculpting Cost?The cost can range from $1000 to $5000 a session, depending on the type of body contouring that is pursued. Unfortunately, as these are all cosmetic procedures, insurance will not cover the cost, so out-of-pocket payment is required. However, some providers offer payment plans in order to make the treatment more affordable. Different Types of Body Sculpting MachinesThere are a variety of different types of body sculpting machines, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Here we will go over some of the different methods of body sculpting as well as the risks and rewards associated with their use. There are four main types of body sculpting: injection lipolysis, radiofrequency lipolysis, cryolipolysis, and laser lipolysis. Injection LipolysisThe procedure for injection lipolysis is relatively simple. The patient is prepared, and the chosen areas for treatment are marked off. Then a substance called deoxycholate or phosphatidylcholine, or a mixture of the two, is injected into the body fat on the chosen area subcutaneously (under the skin). Deoxycholate or phosphatidylcholine is a lipolytic agent or a chemical that causes fat cell disruption and eventually death. This results in a reduction in adipose tissue in the chosen area. This method of body sculpting, unfortunately, can have some severe side effects. Side effects include but are not limited to scarring, skin discoloration, and knots under the skin. Additionally, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) has cautioned against the use of such procedures in the past. Radiofrequency LipolysisThis cosmetic procedure involves the use of radio waves to heat fat deposits in the body until they are destroyed. The process is similar to other types of cosmetic procedures in that the patient is prepared, and the area to be treated is marked off. Then with the application of a device one centimeter from the body, radio waves are fired into the fat deposit. The radio waves pass through the skin harmlessly and then heat up the fat inside the body, eventually killing the fat cells in the treated area. This is a permanent fat loss solution, as the fat cells are dead and gone afterward. Typically, a cooling device is utilized at the same time to keep the skin at a comfortable temperature during the procedure. This procedure is relatively side effect free, with the most common side effects being redness and heating in the affected area, as well as some tissue tenderness. CryolipolysisIn this procedure, freezing cold temperatures are used to destroy fat cells while leaving the skin cells intact. This is done by clamping the part of the body chosen for this localized effect with the medical device, which is then cooled to very cold temperatures, thereby killing the fat cells in the area. Patients may experience some discomfort when exposed to cold temperatures, although this abates relatively quickly. This type of body sculpting is meant to create localized changes to body fat levels around the chosen area for the sake of aesthetic improvement. There are, however, known side effects to this treatment. For example, paradoxical adipose hyperplasia is a potential side effect of cryolipolysis that results in the number of fat cells in the area treated multiplying rather than receding. For this reason, this method is not as foolproof as some of the alternative methods, such as laser lipolysis. Laser LipolysisThis procedure, also referred to as “laser lipo,” involves the application of a low-intensity laser to the fat areas you wish to lose. Lasers can generate singular-directional light and heat to a minimal area. With laser lipo, the technician will target the cell with the laser. The laser penetrates the skin, reaches the targeted fat cells, and bores a tiny pore into the cellular membrane. In addition to creating the small hole, the laser emulsifies (melts) the lipids inside the cell, which allows them to seep through the pore. The body’s lymphatic system then naturally disposes of the lipids. Emerald Laser by Erchonia works differently from other laser lipolysis methods. Emerald’s system uses ten 532 nanometer lasers to target fat cells. While the system allows the cells to drain, they remain intact. Other laser systems destroy the fat cells, which can lead to fatty deposits developing in other areas of the body. Additionally, Emerald Laser is relatively painless when compared to other laser systems. Most patients don’t feel anything at all. Laser lipolysis is a minimally invasive weight loss method that targets body fat exclusively. It is innovative and relatively new. Laser lipolysis by Emerald Laser is the first FDA-approved laser lipolysis process. Maintaining ResultsIn order to maintain the results of any of these lipolysis interventions, it is necessary to adjust food intake and activity level. Otherwise, you will just regain the same fat you lost in the procedure at a later time. Caloric restriction in order to avoid weight gain is necessary, as well as potentially adding in exercise. Without these lifestyle changes, the results of any cosmetic procedure are temporary at best. A good way to make sure you do not gain weight is to use an online calculator and your height, weight, and activity level to calculate your TDEE or total daily energy expenditure. This is the amount of energy, in calories, that you expend every day, and so long as you do not eat more than this limit, you will not gain body fat. Simply track your daily food intake in terms of calories to make sure it is not above your TDEE, and you are all set to maintain the fat loss from the lipolysis procedure of your choice. Frequently Asked Questions About Body SculptingHere, we’re going to go over some of the most commonly asked questions about body sculpting, including the different safety profiles of the procedures as well as efficacy. Which Body Sculpting Method is Most Effective?All of the methods listed are effective and garner results. However, which particular methods will be most effective for you depends heavily on individual factors, such as the quantity of body fat you have and its distribution around the body. Which Body Sculpting Method Carries the Most Risk?That depends on a variety of factors, not the least of which is your own personal assessment of risk. We advise that you evaluate the various potential adverse side effects of each procedure listed and determine from that which side effects hold an unacceptable risk for you, and use that to guide your decision-making. Emerald LaserCome and check out Emerald Laser for the absolute latest in laser lipolysis technology. Take a look at our website and find a provider near you! |