October 3, 2024 8:42 pm

Not everyone gains weight the same way. Some people gain it in their abdomens, some are prone to weight gain in their buttocks, and still others gain weight in the extremities. The same goes for cellulite. Some people develop those small divots and pockets in their skin when they accumulate fat, and some don’t.

Emerald Laser offers individuals with cellulite a safe, effective, and pain-free way to diminish the appearance of cellulite on their bodies. If you have cellulite, contact your nearest Emerald Laser supplier and schedule an appointment.

What is Cellulite and What Are the Causes?

It’s helpful to understand how fat cells work to understand cellulite. Many people are under the impression that cellulite is a different type of fat, but that isn’t the case. Cellulite is caused by fat deposits pushing against the skin and straining your connective tissue. Connective tissue in the skin keeps the skin close to the body and prevents it from slipping from its appropriate position. You can compare it to the fibrous strands on the inside of an orange rind. These strands keep the orange slices together and from rolling around inside the skin.

When a person starts to gain weight, the fat cells expand, pushing the skin outward. In some individuals, the fibrous strands pull back on the skin, creating small recesses. In other words, there are fibrous strands connecting the dimples to your body, and the lumpy parts are where the fat is pushing outward.


You may have noticed heavier individuals who don’t have cellulite. There are numerous factors that can determine whether or not a particular individual will acquire cellulite.

  • Age – older individuals have thinner skin and are more likely to exhibit cellulite with weight gain.
  • Gender – 80% to 90% of women have cellulite, but only 10% of men do.
  • Genetics – Cellulite may be a hereditary trait, with people who are genetically predisposed to cellulite acquiring it with less fat buildup. This can also determine the thickness of the skin. Thicker skin is less likely to exhibit cellulite.

Unfortunately, most of what determines whether or not you’ll get cellulite is beyond your control. Diet and exercise can go a long way to diminish the appearance of cellulite.


Cellulite is divided into four grades:

  • Grade 0 means that you have no cellulite anywhere
  • Grade 1 means that your body is exhibiting minor dimpling when you sit down. It disappears when you’re standing.
  • With Grade 2 cellulite, you have moderate dimples whether you sit or stand.
  • Grade 3 indicates severe dimpling regardless of the position.

During your initial assessment with an Emerald Laser provider, a specialist can grade your cellulite and determine whether or not Emerald Laser will be beneficial for you.

Emerald Laser’s Cellulite Removal Treatment

Emerald Laser addresses cellulite by targeting the fat cells that are causing the strain on the fibrous tissue. Here’s how it works:

  • Emerald’s cool laser targets individual fat cells with ten 532-nanometer cool laser beams.
  • The beams penetrate the skin and begin boring tiny pores in the membrane of your fat cells.
  • The lasers also heat the lipids contained within the lipocytes (fat cells).
  • The now liquified lipids seep through pores in the cellular walls.
  • The body’s lymphatic system safely disposes of the lipids.

The result is that your fat cells shrink, which alleviates the strain on the fibrous tissue that’s causing the dimpling. Each treatment will result in a progressive reduction in fat as long as you don’t compensate by increasing your net caloric intake.

Benefits of Choosing Emerald Laser for Cellulite Removal

Emerald Laser has many advantages over other cellulite reduction lasers. Here are a few reasons why many patients choose Emerald Laser to deal with their unwanted cellulite:


Emerald Laser has established its effectiveness in multiple double-blind studies. The evidence is so compelling that Emerald Laser is the only fat reduction laser that has FDA approval for patients with a BMI in excess of 30.


Emerald Laser has been successfully used on thousands of patients in clinics and med spas all over the world. There are no known side effects with Emerald Laser. Patients do not have to be anesthetized and they can resume full activities immediately after each session. In addition, Emerald drains your fat cells without destroying them. The destruction of fat cells can have some potentially dangerous consequences.


Unlike surgical solutions that may require taking several days off from life’s demands, Emerald Laser sessions only last about 30 minutes from start to finish. You can show up in normal clothing, receive your treatment, and go on about your day. You can even schedule an appointment during your lunch break.


Unlike some hot lasers, Emerald doesn’t cause an unpleasant sensation. Most patients don’t feel anything at all.


Most Emerald Laser providers charge somewhere between $1,500 and $2,800 for a package of six treatments — the number of treatments usually required to achieve full results. This is comparable to other non-invasive procedures and much cheaper than surgery.

If you have any questions about whether Emerald Laser is the right solution for your cellulite, contact a provider near you.

How Emerald Stacks Up to Other Cellulite Treatments

There are many medical approaches to treating cellulite, some of which are offered by the cosmetic industry. Before you commit to a treatment, it’s important to understand how they can actually affect cellulite. Here are a few of the other cellulite solutions.

Cryolipolisis (Fat Freezing)

This method kills fat cells by applying cold temperatures to the treatment area.  According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), cryolipolysis “can be very effective for getting rid of small pockets of unwanted fat, it currently cannot get rid of cellulite.”


This involves injecting the affected area with a blend of caffeine, hormones, enzymes, and other ingredients. There is no indication that this method is effective, and there is a great deal of inconsistency between one provider and the next.


During this method, the treated area is blasted with ultrasound waves. The idea is that this will increase circulation and break up fat. It may not work on its own, but some experts believe that it might work in conjunction with other treatments.

Many of the most effective methods involve lasers, and Emerald Laser stands alone at the top of the list of effective treatments. While other methods may work well for fat reduction, laser lipolysis is the preferred method for treating cellulite.

One of the Safest Cellulite Removal Treatment Options Available

Emerald Laser has an unparalleled track record when it comes to safety. Emerald Laser’s parent company, Erchonia, was the first manufacturer of fat-reduction lasers to receive FDA market approval. Emerald, Erchonia’s newest lipolysis laser, has been in use for years with no known injuries or side effects.

Frequently Asked Questions About Emerald Laser Cellulite Treatment

These are some of the most common questions that patients have regarding Emerald Laser as a cellulite solution. If you have specific questions about your cellulite, you should contact an Emerald Laser provider in your area and schedule an initial consultation.

What Are the Costs of Emerald Laser Cellulite Treatment?

Most of our providers have packages that cost $1,500 to $2,800 for six treatments. They have financing options available and accept major credit cards.

How Long Does it Take to See Results?

You may notice some improvement in a few days. This is how long it takes before enough fat melts off to be noticeable. After three months and six treatments, you should see full results.

Are Cellulite and Cellulitis the Same Thing?

No. While the two conditions have names that sound similar, they are completely different maladies. Cellulite refers to the pocked appearance of the skin due to fat cells straining against fibrous tissue. Cellulitis, on the other hand, is a bacterial condition that manifests itself in swelling and inflammation. If you believe you have cellulitis, see a medical doctor before the condition gets worse.

How Can I Keep My Cellulite Off?

The best way to prevent the return of cellulite is to avoid weight gain. We recommend a calorie-neutral diet that involves nutritious foods. Exercise can also help you maintain a healthy weight.

How To Schedule Your Emerald Laser Session

If you’re interested in finding out if laser therapy can help you get rid of your cellulite, find out if there’s an Emerald Laser provider near you. Schedule a consultation and discuss your goals with a specialist.